Common Controls

Interface Fundamentals / Common Controls

Active Button

Filters search results by inactive and active statuses to hide inactive items when viewing stored data.

Add to Inventory Tool Clicking it sends selected products from that window to the Inventory Tool.

Advanced Filters

Displays adjustable guidelines to perform more precise searches. The parameters involved vary depending on what is being searched.

Column Visibility Button

Toggles which columns are visible in an associated table. This is helpful for decluttering tables with many columns, which some users rarely need or use.

Edit Button

Appearing in various windows, clicking this button allows you to modify details connected to that window.

Flag Button

Marks items with a flag to make them easier to search for and identify when they need special attention. For example, you might flag orders with a red flag when they need review by a co-worker.

ID Search Button

Activating ID Search Mode to search for products using their corresponding product ID.

More Options Menu

Indicates additional actions for an associated window or view. These actions are often also available by right-clicking and item.

Refresh Button

Reloads details in a given window or view from the server.

Section Hide/Show Button

Collapses or expands a section of a window when clicked.

Show All Button

Used to display all records for an associated view. This is because some views hide voided and canceled items, for example, by default to reduce clutter.

Target-Window Button

Changes how windows open when working with items in a search results list

  • Enabled: Items open as soon as you select them. This allows you to quickly move through different items using just your keyboard's up and down arrow keys.

  • Disabled: Items open only after they've been double-clicked (or selected and Return is pressed). This is useful when you want to keep an item window open while you select other search result items or perform a different search.

View in Browser Button

Displays a Product Group's website page. Any unpublished changes are not displayed.

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