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Last updated
Taxes apply to orders at two locations when a tax service is selected. Customers who place an order on your website will see a tax calculation before completing their purchase. Additionally, when creating an order through Tuplo Studio, you can calculate taxes before accepting payments.
To calculate taxes, you will need to have fully configured Tuplo Basic or any of the other tax services available to integrate with Tuplo.
Quick Tips!
For more information on the available tax services, please refer to the tax section in our .
Calibrate your tax settings and add products to an order. Then, follow these steps to apply tax calculations to your orders.
Choose More Options > Calculate Taxes.
Use the keyboard shortcut Command + T.
If the customer requests to add or remove products from the order, the system resets calculations, requiring you to perform them again.
Quick Tips!
Just a reminder that we at Tuplo are not tax experts. We highly recommend using a trusted tax official when working with any services available with Tuplo.
When and how to calculate taxes in an order.