Multi-edit & Edit from Search

Product Groups / Multi-edit and Edit from Search

Knowing how to change individual product details will help you manage your inventory. Still, when massive updates are needed, the Multi-edit Menu and Edit from Search tools ensure you maximize your time when making changes across your entire inventory.

The Multi-edit Menu

The Multi-edit Menu, available in list view and pack view, allows you to select multiple products in the product group to edit their collective details.

To access the Multi-edit Menu:

Then, to edit products:

  1. Select the desired products using either:

    1. Shift + Click

    2. Command + Click.

  2. Click a value entry in the Multi-edit Menu.

  3. Enter the new value.

  4. Then, either:

    1. Press Return to commit the edit.

    2. Press Tab to commit the edit and select the next value.

Combining some of the functionality of the Multi-edit Menu and the Navigator Window search features allows you to take command of your inventory and perform all your adjustments from one window.

Using these value entries, updating your inventory can take minutes instead of hours. You can also use these sections to add products to the Inventory Tool if you need to print labels or wish to perform inventory adjustments.

To adjust your search results in the Products tab:

  1. Expand all sections using the Show/Hide section buttons.

  2. Select a product group.

  3. Select products using either:

    1. Shift + Click

    2. Command + Click.

  4. Select a value.

  5. Enter the desired change.

  6. Click the appropriate update button.

Last updated