Edit Inventory Values

Inventory Tool / Edit Inventory Values

Once added to the Inventory Tool, you can manage the values associated with those products in several ways.

Edit Quantity Values

Using the quantity input:

  1. Select products in the Inventory Tool.

  2. Enter the new quantity.

  3. Click Update Selected or press Return.

Using the Mouse:

  1. Double-click a quantity value.

  2. Enter the new quantity.

  3. Press Return.

Set Quantity

Value of Inventory

To change the quantity value to the current inventory value of a selected product in the Inventory Tool:

  • Select More Options Menu > Quantity > Set to Value of Inventory.

Difference Value

To change the quantity value to the difference between the current inventory value and the quantity value of a selected product in the Inventory Tool:

  • Select More Options Menu > Quantity > Set to Value of Difference.

Quick Tips!

If the difference is negative, this action sets the quantity value to zero.

Inventory Values

Inventory values can be changed by setting them to the current quantity value.

You can perform this action by:

  • Choose More Options > Inventory > Set to Value of Quantity.

Quick Tips!

Changing the inventory value will affect product data stored in Tuplo Studio accordingly. When choosing this action, double-check that your quantity is the correct value for your current product stock.

Last updated