Edit Product Groups

Product Groups / Edit Product Groups

You can update the details of a product group at any time after creating it.

To edit a product group:

  1. Open the product group in the Product Group Window.

  2. Click the Pencil Icon.

  3. Enter the desired changes.

  4. Click the Update button to confirm the changes.

Below, we cover some finer details about changes made in the tabs found when you're making these updates.


While at least one category is required for a product group to appear online, you can assign as many as needed to define the group and its products. This section in the Product Group Window allows you to add, remove, and designate the key category.

To add categories to a product group:

  1. Open the Categories tab in the Assets Window.

  2. Select a category.

  3. Drag and drop it into the categories list in the product group.

When multiple categories are assigned to a product group, the first category assigned automatically becomes the Key Category.

To change the key category:

  • Select the desired category.

  • Click the Make Key button.


The prices specified in this section are default values. Any products you create in the product group will inherit these default prices.

Tuplo Studio automatically calculates the profit and savings for in-store and online products based on the entered values. Profit represents how much you can make from a purchase compared to the product cost, while Savings indicate how much a customer can save based on the product's MSRP.

Savings are displayed on the product group's webpage for customers to see when they browse your website.

  • Price: In-store price.

  • Online: Website price.

  • MSRP: Manufacturer's suggested retail price.

  • MAP: Minimum advertised price.

  • Wholesale: The price you pay per item when ordering products from a vendor.

Quick Tips!

When these values are modified, the pricing of existing products in the product group will not change. To modify the pricing of individual products, see the Edit Products page.


Using the product group Shipping tab, you can apply standard box dimensions and weights for the product group and any products built within it. Additionally, you can set values for Turnaround Days and Minimum Shipping Amount (Min Amt).

Like pricing, shipping values are applied to products created in the product group. When these values are updated, no existing products are affected.

Additional entries allow you to indicate any required turnaround days and the minimum amount required in shipping costs.


Like adding Keywords to categories, you can add keywords directly to a product group. Any keywords you add will appear in the text entry field, while inherited keywords from parent categories are shown below this field.

To add Keywords:

  • Click the entry field.

  • Type the new keyword.

  • Press Return.

To remove keywords:

  1. Click the entry field.

  2. Navigate as you would text using the Arrow Keys.

  3. Then either:

    1. Press Delete to remove a keyword before your cursor.

    2. Press Del to remove the keyword after your cursor

Quick Tips!

To delete Inherited Keywords, remove them from their respective categories.


The Notes section provides additional space for sharing important information not covered elsewhere. It is ideal for updating employees about topics like future changes in product supply or vendor arrangements.

To add a note:

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Enter the Note.

  3. Click the Save button.

Last updated