
Product Groups / Products

After assigning themes and visual and non-visual properties, you can begin building your products for that product group.

The Product Builder Tool

The Product Builder Tool uses the assigned themes, visual properties, and non-visual properties to create product variations.

As you make your selections, products appear in the window. You can select from these to add multiple products to your group.

It also remembers what products have already been built, marks them with a red icon, and restricts building duplicates.

To open the Product Builder:

  • Choose More Options Menu > Add Products.

Add Products

Once in the Product Builder, follow these steps to generate product variations and add them to your product group.

  1. Select a theme when applicable.

  2. Select desired product variations.

  3. Click the Add Selected Products button.

Delete Products

To delete a product:

  1. Select a product.

  2. Choose More Options Menu > Delete Product.

  3. Confirm deletion.

Last updated