
Build and define your promotional offers with Promo Codes.

You can create, manage, and define your Promo Codes in the Promos tab. Here you can track your current, upcoming, and expired promotions.

Create a Promo Code

Start by opening the Add Promo Window using either:

  • Command + N

  • More Options > New Promo

Using the following parameters, you can fine-tune when, how, and what discounts your promo code provides from this window.

  • Code: The alphanumeric code that applies the discount.

  • Title: The name of your promotion.

  • Detail: Briefly describe what your code provides and for what reasons.

  • Amount: Calculate the discount either in dollars or as a percentage.

  • Priority: Select if your code applies to the most or least expensive item in an order.

  • Use: Where your code can be used. Either in-store, online, or both.

After specifying exactly how your new promo code works:

  • Click the Save button to add it to the Promos tab.

Edit Promos

To alter the rules and restrictions of a promo code:

  1. Select a promo code.

  2. Click the Edit icon.

Promo Code Activity Status

You can toggle the activity status when editing and creating your promo codes. Deactivated promos won't be applied when entered into an order.

To toggle the activity status of a Promo Code:

  1. Select a promo

  2. Click the Edit button.

  3. Activate or Deactivate the Active checkbox.


When you create a new promo code, Tuplo Studio automatically generates a promo description using the rules and restrictions applied. You can copy and paste this description into the detail entry to help standardize your promo descriptions.

To switch between the live and auto descriptions:

  1. Select a promo in the Promos tab.

  2. Click the Live/Auto Icon.

  3. Select an option from the dropdown menu.

Live Description Choosing this option will display whatever text the detail entry contains.

Auto Description Choosing this option will display the automatically generated description created by Tuplo Studio based on the rules and restrictions applied to your promo.

Quick Tips!

If you copy and paste the auto description into the details entry when building your promo, both options will appear the same. Make sure to enter your description into the detail entry if you want the live description to differ from the auto description.


After determining the basics of your promo code, the next section specifies the time frame and use cases.

  • Minimum Order Amount

    • You can specify a minimum purchase requirement before the discount is applied, such as offering $10 off orders over $50.

  • Limit Overall Use

    • You can set how many times the code can be used. An example would be a promo offering 20% off an order for the first 100 customers.

  • Promotion Runtime

    • Using the provided date selections, set a beginning and end date for your code. This is great for seasonal events.


Using Rules, you can further define your promo code by choosing from brands, products, categories, and themes to exclude or include exactly what your promo discounts.

To create a new rule:

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Select an item.

  3. Activate the Exclude checkbox to exclude that item from the promotion.

  4. Click the Add button to apply the new rule.

Product Rules

When selecting a product to include/exclude from a promo code:

  1. Navigate to the Products tab.

  2. Expand all sections.

  3. Select the desired product group.

  4. Select the desired product.

  5. Navigate back to the Promos tab.

  6. Select the desired promo code.

  7. Click the Edit button.

  8. Open the Add Promo Rule Window.

The selected product from the Products tab is displayed for you to include or exclude from your Promo code.

Additional Restrictions

Once a rule is added, more restrictions are available for your promo.

These include:

  • Qualifying Items: Specify how many products need to be purchased, such as a buy two, get one free promo.

  • Limit Discount: Choose how many times your code can be applied to one order, like when a coupon states a limit of two items per customer.

  • Apply Discount to MSRP: Applies discounts directly to the MSRP price.

  • Require Email: When targeting individual customer accounts, you can enter an email to limit the code usage to that customer account.

Last updated