Inventory Tool

Understanding the Inventory Tool.

The Inventory Tool helps you manage and check your stock, create labels, and add new products, ensuring you always know what products you have and how many.

To open the Inventory Tool:

  • Select Window > Inventory Tool from the window menu.

Layout Walkthrough

In the Inventory Tool, products added are displayed in columns with significant inventory details.

  • Inventory (Invty): Indicates the current stock value of a product.

  • Quantity (Qty): The number of products counted in an audit or the number of labels to print. These numbers can be adjusted anytime without affecting the rest of Tuplo Studio.

  • Difference (Diff): The difference between added product quantity and inventory values.

    • Quantity > Inventory: The difference value will be positive.

    • Quantity < Inventory: The difference value will be negative.

Quick Tips!

The inventory and difference columns are hidden by default and can be displayed by clicking the Column Icon.

Export a CSV

Selected products in the Inventory Tool can be exported as a CSV file.

To do so:

  • Choose More Options > Export to File.

Last updated